All posts by brianv1980

Frozen shift selector

Hey all.

First cold snap here in NJ. I pulled my Kodiak out of the garage to do a project and parked in the driveway. Thank god I was lazy. I dropped the plow blade and left her in neutral. Worked on my project in the garage for a few hours cleaned up and attempted to pull her back in the garage. She started right up. Shifter FROZEN. So I push her in and go eat diner.

After everyone is in bed go back to the garage and try to figure this out shifter would move side to side but not between gears. Let her run for about 20 mins still the same. So I take the side cover off and disconnect the rod from the trans and change with pliers gears change. Awesome something Minor. Reattach and pull the shifter boot off. Had to cut the metal wire so the shifter boot came off. Solid ICE.

So after my ramblings. How do I prevent ice from building up in the shifter selector black box. ?? Can’t depend on her to plow if I can’t change gears. I see no cracks in the surround.


Plowing setup

hey all.

I am trying to get ready for the winter and i have 1 question on a plow setup. I have seen different hookups and i would like to know what everyone thinks

1. should i run my synthetic winch rope down to the plow frame hook directly?
2. should i run it thru the pulley and leverage off the front rack?

What are the pros and cons of either? This is the first plow atv i have had so wanted to double check.

If running off the front rack should i make a brace/support so i dont wreck and bend the rack???


Noticed an oddity tonight

Was on my bike for a ride tonight and noticed that when I flipped on my new heated grips my led light bar was flickering. The led bar is wired to my high beams and my heated grips are taped into the 12v outlet. Any ideas? As soon as I turn the grips off he light is normal


adding dry storage

I can not find the post on here to save my life. Somewhere on here someone added the dry storage container from the newer grizzlies to their bike (the one with the screw top on the right fender.)

can anyone help me out or have any ideas for storage. Under the seat has my winch contactor and there is no where for me to throw keys or a cell phone if i just want to hop on and ride for a few mins.

anyone else tried anything on these older Kodiaks


PS i do have 2 bags a huge one and a smaller front bag but im not too keen on them