Category Archives: Southeast U.S.

Miami/ S Florida Rzr owners

I pulled the trigger on an XP1k4 and the family and I are having a good time. Id like to find some more S Florida owners or groups that go out riding to have a good time. If anyone doesn’t mind having a new guy tag along id appreciate a shout out. I usually ride with some friends that have a smaller buggy, and a buddy with a nice rail car. We all have youngins and women folk that tag along every now and then but im also looking for a group that would like to go out of state on trail rides like trails end, durhamtown, windrock etc.

Best place for parts/accessories in central NC?

Local Polaris dealers around Greensboro are a bit lacking in their aftermarket parts/accessories inventory, aside from winches and windshields. I know that I can order stuff online, but I like to see and touch something in person before I buy it. Are there any large stores in central NC that have a good selection?